Tūhura Otago Community Trust Science Centre
I did a science communication internship at the Otago Museum during the remodel of the Tūhura Otago Community Trust Science Centre. During this project I wrote the training material for three exhibits, trained employees in how to use and troubleshoot the exhibits, and wrote the included panels.
Vacuum Drop
An exhibit that shows the effect air resistance has on a falling object. A small ball and a feather are in the plastic tube, which can be turned upside down. Guests can press a button to create a vacuum in the tube and compare the terminal velocity of the ball vs the feather in both normal conditions and in a vacuum.
Startle Reflex
Startle Reflex allows guests to see their startle response. Guests press a button which will begin a countdown from 10. At a random time during this countdown a plastic glove will be loudly inflated next to them and a light will flash. A camera records the guests startled reaction and replays it for them so they can see what their body naturally does when startled.
Red Team vs. Blue Team
This exhibit revolves around competitiveness and teamwork. Guests can press any of the eight buttons to change the score of either the red or the blue team on the TV. Encouraging other guests to join your team or sabotaging the opposing team are common strategies. Does encouraging teammates or yelling at them improve performance?